Tuesday, December 14, 2010

It's the most wonderful time of the year!!

Christmas is definitely my favorite time of year (surprising, since I work in retail!!). 
I love everything from decorating the house, to Christmas music, to Christmas scented candles, to baking, you name it!!
(Even the cats join in the fun--okay, they're kind of forced to.)
So I thought I'd post some pictures of Christmas in our home
(I was inspired by Abby G's blog to share some pics!). 

Our Tree!

The baby tree

The stockings hung by the fire with care...
And our nativity set, complete with a new stable built by Matt!

I think Mazy needs to work on having a better attitude about the holidays.

Miel is not much more cooperative.
Oh well!

Merry Christmas to your family from ours!

1 comment:

  1. uh oh...in my head I've been spelling "mazy", "maizey"...as in corn, since Miel is honey. Oops! :) Your house looks gorgeous...can't wait to see it in person this weekend!
