Monday, August 30, 2010

The September Issue

Although it's still 95+ degrees in the fashion world, the season is FALL!
Each year, the September Issue of fashion magazines features the newest, hottest fall fashion.
I got so excited when Matt told me, "You got your September issue of's like an inch thick!"  My response was..."just wait until you see the Vogue!"

I'm almost finished with the InStyle, and haven't even started the Vogue yet...and I'm really loving it.  You have to understand that I really love magazines, especially InStyle and I read practically every word!
So just imagine how long it takes me to read 2 inches of FASHION!!

I've found some pictures of my favorite Fall Fashions so far...

A leather jacket is a must!
Laid back.
Menswear bottoms?  Yes, please!

A maxi skirt--so chic.  I don't have one...yet!
Military jacket, super cute.

I love this layered look--even the tights with shorts!

Fashions courtesy of and


  1. I'm diggin' the mens pants...and I really like the dress that is under the military jacket. But the leather jacket? Oops...sold mine to Buffalo Exchange last year and opted to keep the denim jacket instead. I have a feeling that was a no-no. You can totally pull off the tights under shorts look..I like it...but I don't think I could do it. So glad you are blogging again!!

  2. I love that layered look, but don't think I could ever get it right. Oh well...there's always people like you. :)
    One question: Should my leather jacket have shoulder pads like the jacket on the right? ;)
    Menswear bottoms? Really? Anyone seen how long those crotches are??

  3. Awww, abs! This blog makes me miss you 100 times more.
