Sunday, October 3, 2010

Let's go surfin' now...

Over Labor Day weekend, we headed to Oceanside, CA for some time of relaxation and fun with our friends. All together it was 8 adults, 2 toddlers and 1 infant...a lot of craziness as you can imagine.

Although the ocean was pretty cold, we were able to rent wet suits and do some boogie boarding and surfing! Here's some pictures from our time there...

Looking SO stylish in our wet suits!

All of the men who gave surfing a try...apparently, it's harder than it looks.

Enjoying a GIANT carne asada burrito...yum!!

The beautiful view from our patio.

Matt with Baby Josiah. :-)

On the pier.


Finally...surfing success!!  Ok, we can go home now.


  1. awesome pictures!! The view from your place was amazing...but my fave pic is Matt surfing...not an easy feat to get up!

    Well done with the photos BTW...did you figure out a way to get the blog to work better with you?

  2. I just ended up doing it in html text, rather than the "compose" option.
    I was much less frustrated this time!!

  3. Thanks, Abby! This post was possible because of your great tutorial! :-)
