Monday, June 10, 2013

Easy Pita Chips

I recently found fresh pitas at the $.99 Only Store (you never know what you will find there!). I didn't end up using them all as quickly as I had anticipated, so I ended up with a very serious situation on my hands...some pitas about to expire. ;)
Around the same time my pitas were starting to get crusty, I bought a giant tub of hummus at Costco (on sale too!). 
Once I got home, I realized I would need more than veggies to successfully eat all the hummus, which gave me an idea.......To turn my pitas into pita chips! I know, I know, serious epiphanies happening in my kitchen.
(and yes, I had to look up how to spell epiphany)

I followed this recipe loosely, if you want measurements and fancy things like that. ;-)

Here's what I did.
First, I cut my pitas into small triangles. Then I peeled them apart so that they'd be a single layer. 

I heated the oven to 350 degrees. Then I mixed olive oil with a dash of salt, pepper, garlic powder and italian seasoning. I tossed the pita chips in the olive oil then put them on a baking sheet. 

I brushed any dry spots with the remaining olive oil. (in hindsight, I think I put a little too much olive oil on them. So you may want to choose to "just toss" or "just brush").
I sprinkled one batch with kosher salt...which was very tasty!
The result was crunchy, yummy chips. Enjoy!

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